Is today the day you decide to become a volunteer and help your community? If you are interested in becoming a member of the Argyle Volunteer Fire Department come by one of our stations and pick up an application or go to our website at www.argylevolfd.com and download an application. We have training tonight at Station 91 located at 67 Fire Department Avenue. Applications will be available for pickup until 10 pm tonight.
We train every Tuesday night on a verity of different trainings. We offer training to certify you in Firefighter One, Emergency Medical Responder, Online classes, and many more. We are an aggressive Volunteer Fire Department with seasoned members that are willing to train and help you reach your goals.
There are several different jobs to do in this department so if you are interested come out and talk to us and see where you fit in. We love our community we serve and are wanting to grow our fire family. It does take time and responsibility to be a member with us. We want to serve our community the best way we can so be prepared to learn.